Welcome to Collinwood Website

Would you like to learn more about the artist community in North Collinwood?  Would you like to know more about programs being offered to artists in the area? You would? Well, there’s a way you can find that information. Here’s how…… 

You can go to www.welcometocollinwood.com! The website will inform you about the various offerings to artists in the neighborhood and features what artists are already doing in our community. It’s also a place where people can make donations to support our programs and send us questions about our initiatives. So when you get a moment, please check us out! While you’re there, you can also sign up for our newsletter and stay in the loop on future programming updates.

But wait, there’s more! Of course, you’re always welcomed to stop into our office for information as well. For the low, low price of $19.95, someone would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have (Uh, just kidding about the $19.95 part.).  So, if you’re an artist, know an artist, live vicariously through an artist or just want to know more about what’s happening in the neighborhood, reach out and see how YOU can become apart of our vibrant community! Collinwood is steadily rising, so act NOW!

Tonya Broach

Programs Asssistant

Read More on Northeast Shores
Volume 5, Issue 2, Posted 10:38 AM, 03.19.2013