Annual Elections

At the January 15, 2013 annual meeting, elections will be held to fill vacant seats and expired terms for the Northeast Shores Development Corporation Board of Directors. At this time, Northeast Shores is seeking representation from both residents and business/institutions for the upcoming election from our pool of members. Please consider serving on this important neighborhood board.

Being a member of the Board of Directors requires a commitment including:

•             Attending the Board meetings each month held on the third Tuesday.

•             Active involvement in at least one of our committees.

•             Participation in board-approved fundraising activities and events.

•             Active participation in neighborhood activities and events.

Although acting as a director of Northeast Shores means dedicating time, there are also rewards in serving on the board. You will have the opportunity to make a significant difference in your own neighborhood by helping to steer our efforts in targeting meaningful residential real estate rehab and homeownership assistance, creating business district improvements, solving safety issues and developing community block watch organizations. The 21-member board of directors works with a eight-member staff and several volunteers to make North Shore Collinwood a better place to live, work, and visit.

Also, feel free to review information about us on our website at If you wish to serve on the Board of Directors, please send a letter of interest by December 7, 2012.

Brian A. Friedman is the executive director of Northeast Shores.

Brian Friedman

Executive Director Northeast Shores Development Corporation

Read More on Northeast Shores
Volume 4, Issue 10, Posted 10:02 AM, 11.12.2012